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A Curriculum for Life

Learn, Inspire, Flourish, Enjoy 

Life in Abundance, John 10:10

Our curriculum encompasses everything that impacts on the learning and opportunities for our pupils, the experiences we provide for our children and the environment in which they learn, both formally and informally. We prepare our pupils for LIFE.

To find out more about each year group's curriculum plan, click on the grey menu box on this page.


  • Our curriculum offer facilitates learning a broad range of subjects and themes, which are carefully considered and mapped to broaden pupils’ understanding and experiences
  • We develop pupils to learn about themselves, others, the past, and the future
  • Pupil are taught to be skilled learners, to go beyond their own expectations of themselves through challenging preconceptions  


  • Our pupils are actively encouraged to think beyond, question and ‘wonder’ about the world around them and the future that is yet to come
  • Teachers plan activities to stimulate awe, promote curiosity and motivate pupils’ thirst for knowledge and meaning in life, in a broad and balanced way
  • Pupils are inspired and in turn, inspire us, building reciprocal relationships within our community


  • Pupils flourish in an environment of love, honesty and respect for one another and our global environment
  • Pupils learn to overcome obstacles and barriers to succeed, through relishing a challenge and finding joy in their own capabilities
  • Learning through big questions means pupils learn beyond the skills taught and then go on to develop questions themselves


  • Our inquisitive pupils thrive when their talent and expertise are recognised and rewarded
  • We involve pupils in leading their learning with us, to ensure it is fulfilling and relevant to them 
  • Our pupils love to discover learning, through working collaboratively  


Wantage Church of England Primary School
OX12 8DJ


01235 762396
