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We are proud of our uniform at Wantage CE Primary School and we expect to see every child, from FS1 (Reception Class) upwards, wearing our school uniform every day. This consists of:

  • Pillar Box Red Sweatshirt or cardigan with Wantage's school logo (available online only from the school’s suppliers, Mapac).
  • White Polo shirt or plain white shirt with collar.
  • Traditional plain grey skirt or pinafore dress which must be of knee length or just above (tight Lycra skirts are not acceptable) OR Plain grey, full-length, trousers of a suitable style, tailored appropriately OR Plain grey shorts of a suitable style which must be knee length (or just above), tailored appropriately.

NB. Unacceptable trousers include those wider than shoes, skinny trousers, jeans, chino style trousers and those with large exposed buttons or zips.

NB. Unacceptable shorts include those wider than shoes, lycra, jeans, chino style shorts and those with large exposed buttons or zips.

  • Plain black shoes with heels of a suitable height (No platform heels, sandals, backless or strapless shoes, boots, training shoes or canvas pumps).
  • Grey, red or white plain socks or tights.
  • In Year 6 – the traditional ‘Leavers’ sweatshirt may also be worn

Click HERE to view the range and to purchase on-line for delivery to your home or to school. 

Physical Education Kit
  • Plain dark coloured shorts (Black, brown, blue or green)
  • Plain white T-shirt OR
  • Plain T-Shirt in the child’s house colour (Buzzards: Blue; Eagles: Red; Falcons: Green;  Kestrels: Yellow) - worn on Sports Day
  • Plain, dark coloured tracksuit bottoms and top for outdoor PE in cold weather
  • Plimsolls or trainers
  • Plain socks

All pupils will require a swimming costume, a towel and a swimming hat. Boys are not allowed to wear long shorts in the pool and girls must wear a one-piece costume.

Football Boots

Football boots are permitted for activities such as football and rugby. It is not necessary for pupils to have them.


One small plain stud in each ear lobe only – no other studs are allowed. A watch may also be worn. Ideally both will be removed for PE but, if a child struggles to remove their earrings they may cover their ears with a suitable fabric eg, micropore tape.

Hair Accessories (hairbands, clips, ribbons and scrunchies)

Any hair accessory must be plain red (no bows, names, sparkles etc).


Must be of a sensible length, style and a natural colour (at the discretion of the school). Extremely short razor lines cut into the hair, non-natural colours, fully or partially shaved hair, or excessive hair gel are unacceptable. Long hair will ideally be neatly tied back but must be kept off the eyes at all times and securely tied back for PE lessons.

Make Up, temporary tattoos, and nail polish

No make-up should be worn during the school day. Nail polish is not permitted. Temporary tattoos are not permitted. Pupils wearing nail polish, temporary tatoos or make-up will be asked to remove it immediately.

If in any doubt about any aspect of the dress code, please ask a teacher or member of the office staff before committing to a purchase or allowing your child to commit to a change in appearance!

Please note that failure to comply with school uniform regulations and dress code will result in the pupil being loaned and expected to wear ‘spare’ uniform provided by the school. Parents are expected to wash and return the loaned items within 3 working days. Pupils with inappropriate hair styles or other personal changes may be required to work in isolation until they comply with the school’s uniform policy.

Please Note: 'The Friends' frequently run second hand uniform sales of good quality clothes at a fraction of the new price. 


Wantage Church of England Primary School
OX12 8DJ


01235 762396
