Everyone is Welcome
The best way to find out more about starting school at Wantage CE Primary School is to come and visit us.
Everyone is welcome, and we are always proud to show families around our lovely school. Starting with Nursery and our Reception classes, we can introduce you to our amazing teachers, teaching assistants and pupils.
To arrange a visit, please contact us via the school office: 01235 762 396
Here is our brochure - we hope that you enjoy reading about our wonderful school:
Wantage CE Primary School Brochure
Please also refer to our Admissions Policy:
- Wantage CE Primary Admissions Policy 2024-25.pdf
- Wantage CE Primary Admissions Policy 2025-26.pdf
- Wantage CE Primary Admissions Policy 2026-27.pdf
Wantage CE Primary School is an Academy which forms part of the Vale Academy Trust (VAT). We follow the Admissions Policy listed on this page, and Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) deals with all our admissions for primary school age children.
Applications for starting school in September 2025 should be made online from 4th November 2024, and the closing date is 15th January 2025:
Applications for in-year transfers should also be made on line at:
If the school has spaces in any year group, then parents/carers are entitled to take up those places for their children. Each year group can take up to 60 pupils. When OCC allocates places to children reaching statutory school age, there may be a greater demand than there are places available. In cases like this, over-subscription criteria will apply in the allocation of places. Please refer to our Admissions Policy for further details.
Nursery Admissions
Nursery admissions are dealt with by Wantage CE Primary School. We follow Oxfordshire County Council’s guidelines, and further information is contained in our Nursery Admissions Policy.
Working parents may be entitled to 30 hours free childcare per week.
More information on the 30 hour free childcare entitlement is available at:
At Wantage CE Primary School, we are able to offer working parents 18 hours of this entitlement. You can choose mornings – 8.45 – 11.45am, or whole days – 8.45 am – 3 pm. The remaining 12 hours can be made up using another provider; you will need to tell us if you will be doing this and which other setting you will be using.
Additional sessions may be available at Wantage on a casual termly basis. These will be divided equally between parents eligible for 30 hours and will be allocated according to the admissions criteria.
We will offer those parents who are not eligible for the 30 hours funding 15 hours which can be made up of either mornings, afternoons or two whole days with either an afternoon or morning. Children become eligible for a place in the Nursery class at the beginning of the long term after their third birthday. Please note, we do not admit funded 2 year olds.
Nursery places are allocated in May for September starters. If there are places available further allocations will take place in October for January starters and February for April starters. Parents can add their child’s name to our Nursery waiting list at any time from birth. Application forms are available from the school office or from the link below.